Friday, September 24, 2010

Find the day diff between two days

Following is the shell script solution for getting number of days between two dates:

date1=`date +%s -d $1`
date2=`date +%s -d $2`
diff=`expr $date2 - $date1`
diff_days=`expr $diff / \( 60 '*' 60 '*' 24 \)`
echo $diff_days

[vishnu@ shell]# ./ 2010-08-02 2010-09-15
[vishnu@ shell]#

Here is the perl solution for the same:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;

my $date1 = $ARGV[0];
my $date2 = $ARGV[1];

my @formatted_date1 = split(/-/, $date1);
my @formatted_date2 = split(/-/, $date2);

my $local_date1 = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $formatted_date1[2], $formatted_date1[1], $formatted_date1[0]);
my $local_date2 = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $formatted_date2[2], $formatted_date2[1], $formatted_date2[0]);

my $diffSeconds = $local_date2- $local_date1;
my $diffDays = $diffSeconds / (60 * 60 * 24);
print "Day diff :: $diffDays\n";

[vishnu@ shell]# ./ 2010-08-02 2010-09-15
Day diff :: 43
[vishnu@ shell]#

Here is modified version of above shell script, if you want to find out time difference in seconds


d1=`date +%s -d "$1"`
d2=`date +%s -d "$2"`
echo "Diff Seconds : $diff_sec"

[vishnu@ shell]#./ "2011-07-19 22:44:34" "2011-07-20 02:04:14"
Diff Seconds : 11980
[vishnu@ shell]#

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