Saturday, December 29, 2007

Read properties from ant build file using perl

I want to read some properties from my ant build file in my perl script. I wrote a sample perl script for it. below is the script:

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Check all arguments of a running process

Many Java processes have long command lines, and as as a regular user, I may wish to determine that my java processes are running with the correct arguments or not.
unfortunately with the ps (/usr/bin/ps) command, users can only see the first 80 characters of command line, rest are ignored. So the user can not see the all command line arguments.

1. Use pargs argument (ex. ps -eaf | pargs -a <pid>)
2. Use /usr/ucb/ps command ( /usr/ucb/ps -awwx | grep <pid>)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What version of Flash do you have?

Visit following link to display the currently installed version of the Flash player.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Kill java processes from perl script

Requirement:- If multiple java processes are running on your system and you want to kill only few specific from them.
If we do it manually then we have to perform below two steps:

1. jps (it will return all the java processes running on the system) in below format:
<pid>     <process name>
<pid>     <process name>
<pid>     <process name>
<pid>     <process name>

in my case i got the below output from above command:

1234 Server1
1334 Server2
1454 Server3
1264 Server4
1238 Server5
1244 Server6

2. now i have the process id of all the java processes so i can kill them using kill command, (let say if i have to kill only Server1, Server5 , then)

kill -9 1234
kill -9 1238

By using perl script, i can write below simple script which will do my above task:

foreach $_ (`jps`) {
my($pid,$pname) = /(\S+)\s+(.*)/;
if($pname eq "Server1" | $pname eq "Server5" ) {
print("Killing Process : $pname ($pid) \n");
system("kill -9 $pid");

Monday, December 17, 2007

Searching tips in Google

1. Explicit Phrase: Lets say you are looking for content about internet marketing. Instead of just typing internet marketing into the Google search box, you will likely be better off searching explicitly for the phrase. To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes.

Example: “internet marketing”

2. Exclude Words: Lets say you want to search for content about internet marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term advertising. To do this, simply use the “-“ sign in front of the word you want to exclude.

Example Search: internet marketing -advertising

3. Site Specific Search: Often, you want to search a specific website for content that matches a certain phrase. Even if the site doesn’t support a built-in search feature, you can use Google to search the site for your term. Simply use the “” modifier.

Example: “internet marketing”

4. Similar Words and Synonyms: Let’s say you want to include a word in your search, but want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms. To do this, use the “~” in front of the word.

Example: “internet marketing” ~professional

5. Specific Document Types: If you’re looking to find results that are of a specific type, you can use the modifier “filetype:”. For example, you might want to find only PowerPoint presentations related to internet marketing.

Example: “internet marketing” filetype:ppt

6. This OR That: By default, when you do a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search. If you are looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator. (Note: The OR has to be capitalized).

Example: internet marketing OR advertising

7. Phone Listing: Let’s say someone calls you on your mobile number and you don’t know how it is. If all you have is a phone number, you can look it up on Google using the phonebook feature.

Example: phonebook:617-555-1212 (note: the provided number does not work – you’ll have to use a real number to get any results).

8. Area Code Lookup: If all you need to do is to look-up the area code for a phone number, just enter the 3-digit area code and Google will tell you where it’s from.

Example: 617

9. Numeric Ranges: This is a rarely used, but highly useful tip. Let’s say you want to find results that contain any of a range of numbers. You can do this by using the X..Y modifier (in case this is hard to read, what’s between the X and Y are two periods. This type of search is useful for years (as shown below), prices or anywhere where you want to provide a series of numbers.

Example: president 1940..1950

10. Stock (Ticker Symbol): Just enter a valid ticker symbol as your search term and Google will give you the current financials and a quick thumb-nail chart for the stock.

Example: GOOG

11. Calculator: The next time you need to do a quick calculation, instead of bringing up the Calculator applet, you can just type your expression in to Google.

Example: 48512 * 1.02

12. Conversion: The next time you need to do a quick calculation on the temperature, you can just type your expression in to Google.

Example: 72F in C

The conversion feature works for a whole host of things: "100cm in inches", "100us gallons in uk gallons", "100bar in psi", "100 GBP in USD", etc.

13. Word Definitions: If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use the “define:” command.

Example: define:plethora

14. Searching for URLs containing certain words. Use the "inurl:word" modifier.

Example inurl:psp

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Find Nth Max salary of employee

I have following table in the DB

Create table Employee
Eid int,
Name varchar(10),
Salary money

insert few values in the table:

Insert into Employee values (1,\'harry\',3500)
Insert into Employee values (2,\'jack\',2500)
Insert into Employee values (3,\'john\',2500)
Insert into Employee values (4,\'xavier\',5500)
Insert into Employee values (5,\'steven\',7500)
Insert into Employee values (6,\'susana\',2400)

A simple query that can find the employee with the maximum salary, would be:

Select * from Employee where salary = (Select max(Salary) from Employee)

[The SQL Engine evaluates the inner most query and then moves to the next level (outer query). So, in the above example inner query i.e. Select max(Salary) from Employee is evaluated first. This query will return a value of 7500 (based on the sample data shown as above). This value is substituted in the outer query and it is evaluated as: ]

Select * from Employee where salary = (7500)

Eid Name Salary
5 steven 7500

If the same syntax is applied to find out the 2nd or 3rd or 4th level of salary, the query would become bit complex to understand. See the example below:

Select * from Employee where salary =
(Select max(Salary) from Employee where salary
< (Select max(Salary) from Employee where
Salary < (Select max(Salary) from Employee where
Salary < …………………………………………… N

The above query would go on and on, depending on the level of salary that is to be determined. As mentioned earlier, the SQL Engine evaluates the inner most query first and moves the next outer level. One wouldn’t want to write such a big query just to find out this simple information.

The same result can be achieved with a simple syntax and easily understandable logic, by using a CORRELATED SUBQUERY. Correlated sub-query is a performance overhead to the database server and so, you have to use it only if it is required. Avoid using Correlated subquery on large tables, as the inner query is evaluated for each row of the outer query

Following is the query that captures the Nth maximum value:

Select * From Employee E1 Where
(N-1) = (Select Count(Distinct(E2.Salary)) From Employee E2 Where
E2.Salary > E1.Salary)
(Where N is the level of Salary to be determined)

In the above example, the inner query uses a value of the outer query in its filter condition meaning; the inner query cannot be evaluated before evaluating the outer query. So each row in the outer query is evaluated first and the inner query is run for that row. Let’s look into the background process of this query, by substituting a value for N i.e. 4,(Idea is to find the 4th maximum salary):

Select * From Employee E1 Where
(4-1) = (Select Count(Distinct(E2.Salary)) From Employee E2 Where
E2.Salary > E1.Salary)

Since the outer query’s value is referred in the inner query, the operation is done row-by-row. Based on the sample data as shown above, the process starts with the following record:

Employee E1
Eid Name Salary
1 harry 3500
The salary of this record is substituted in the inner query and evaluated as:

Select Count(Distinct(E2.Salary)) From Employee E2
Where E2.Salary > 3500
Above query returns 2 (as there are only 2 salaries greater than 3500). This value is substituted in the outer query and will be evaluated as:

Select * From Employee E1 Where (4-1) = (2)
condition evaluates to FALSE and so, this record is NOT fetched in the result.

Next the SQL Engine processes the 2nd record which is:

Employee E1
Eid Name Salary
2 jack 2500
Now the inner query is evaluated as:

Select Count(Distinct(E2.Salary)) From Employee E2
Where E2.Salary > 2500
This query returns a value of 3 (as there are 3 salaries greater than 2500). The value is substituted in the outer query and evaluated as:

Select * From Employee E1 Where (4-1) = (3)
condition evaluates to TRUE and so, this record is fetched in the result. This operation continues for all the remaining records. Finally the result shows these 2 records:

Eid Name Salary
2 jack 2500
3 john 2500

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Exponential(TM) Identifies Top Online Advertising Trends For 2008

Exponential(TM) Interactive, Inc., the technology-driven media services company that delivers innovative products and services to meet the demands of advertisers and publishers, today announced online advertising trends for 2008. The parent company of Tribal Fusion, one of the industry's leading online ad networks, Exponential has identified top trends emerging from technology and business innovation, creativity and brand measurement. Trends to watch include: one-to-one marketing, online video advertising, new local advertising platforms, innovation in ad effectiveness measures, marketing opportunities from the semantic web, and virtual worlds.

Read Full Article here

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

GNU Screen utility

Screen, this command might not be well known to many people but its one of those programs that you just can’t stop using once you’ve started. Previously I used VNC to connect the remote servers, but now i have stopped using it and use SCREEN on a regular daily basis and it’s really easy to use.
Screen program provides the following functionality:
  • Remote terminal session management (detaching or sharing terminal sessions)
  • Unlimited windows (unlike the hardcoded number of Linux virtual consoles)
  • Scrollback buffer (not limited to video memory like Linux virtual consoles)
  • Copy/paste between windows
  • Split terminal (horizontally) into multiple regions
  • Locking other users out of terminal
  • Screen is an easy way to allow processes to continue running after the session is terminated, if you lose connection screen will save your spot
Following is the content of my ~/.screenrc file
startup_message off
vbell off
caption always “%{= bb}%{+b w}%n %h %=%t %c”
hardstatus alwayslastline “%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<” activity “Activity in %t(%n)” shell -/bin/bash
Screen Commands
(screen) Start screen
(screen -S vishnu) Create a screen session with the name vishnu
(screen -r vishnu) reconnect to the session with the name vishnu
(screen -x ) Connect to an existing screen session
(screen -d ) detaching a screen session
(screen -r) reattaching the screen session
(Ctrl+a c ) New window
(Ctrl+a n ) Next Window
(Ctrl+a p ) Previous Window
(Ctrl+a ” ) Select window from list
(Ctrl+a Ctrl+a) Previous window viewed
(Ctrl+a <0-9> ) Select the numbered window
(Ctrl+a A ) Set window title
(Ctrl+a K ) Kill window
(Ctrl+a d ) Detach screen from terminal
(Ctrl+a x ) Lock Session
(Ctrl+a : ) Goto screen command prompt
(Ctrl+a ? ) Show key binding/command names
(Ctrl+s ) Pause the output on screen
(Ctrl+q ) Resume the output on screen
(Ctrl+a :escape ^Ww) Change key binding to w character
(Ctrl-a * ) List all currently attached displays. (displays)
(Ctrl-a Ctrl\) Kill all windows and terminate screen. (quit)
(Ctrl-a w ) List all windows. (windows)
(Ctrl-a h ) Write contents of the current window to the file hardcopy.n. (hardcopy)
(Ctrl-a H ) Begin/end logging of the current window to the file screenlog.n. (log)
(Ctrl-a ' ) Prompt for window name or number to switch to. (select)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Linux Cut command

Cut Command

Divide a file into several parts (columns)

cut [-b] [-c] [-f] list [-n] [-d delim] [-s] [file]


1. Let say you have a file test.txt which has colon(:) seperated data


If you want to print first set of data from each row, you can use cut command as follow:

cut -d":" -f1 test.txt

If you want to print just columns 1 to 6 of each line (the employee serial numbers), use the -c1-6 flag, as in this command

cut -c1-6 test.txt

Linux Tips

Repeat a command (yes 'date;sleep 5' | ksh)
Replace newline with comma (cut -d, -f1 vishnu.csv | tr '\n' ',')
Get some specific string from each line (grep "uid%3D" <fileName> |awk -F"uid%3D" ` {print $2}` | cut -d"%" -f1)
Pull first n characters of each line from a file (cut -c1-n file.txt > newfile.txt)
Count total number of lines in all specific files under a directory (find . -type f -name '*.as' -o -name '*.mxml' -o -name '*.java'| xargs cat |wc -l)
Find number of occurrences of a text in a file (grep text fileName |wc -l)
Display the top most process utilizing most CPU (top -b 1)
Show the working directory of a process ? (pwdx pid )
Display the parent/child tree of a process ? (ptree pid )
Display the no.of active established connections to localhost ? (netstat -a | grep EST)
How to create null file ? (cat /dev/null > filename1)
Display top ten largest files/directories ? (du -sk * | sort -nr | head)
Display disk usage (du -h)
How to save man pages to a file ? (man | col -b > filename )
Display the files in the directory by file size ? (ls -ltr | sort -nr -k 5)
Display the processes, which are running under yourusername ( ps -aef | grep username)
Display the all files recursively with path under current directory ? ( find . -depth -print)
Display the Disk Usage of file sizes under each directory in currentDirectory ? (du -k . | sort -nr)
List the files in current directory sorted by size ? (ls -l | grep ^- | sort -nr)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Soalris: Kill a process which is using a particular port number

Today i came across a problem in solaris. The problem was that while starting my application server, it was throwing an error "Address already in use".

My app server is a java process and there are many other java process which are running on my zone. But the issue is, how may i know that which java process is using that particular port?

I followed following steps:
1. List all the java process running on my zone ( ps -eaf |grep vagrawal| grep java )
2. Go through each java process and check if it using that particular port ( pfiles $pid|grep 1182 )
(here $pid is the process id of the java process and 1182 is the port number of which i am looking for)

Above method works fine but it is bit a long process, as i have to run step 2 for all java processes, so i ran a folowing command on my console:

for i in `ps -e|awk '{print $1}'`; do echo $i; pfiles $i 2>/dev/null | grep 'port: 1188'; done

Above command/script will list out all the process ID and will tell if any process is using port 1188

Now i have process ID of the process which is occupying my port, and i can kill that by kill -9 pid

Monday, April 30, 2007

Limitation of Junit

  • Tests that verify the integrity of a small unit are useful but limited. Experience has taught us that most bugs are found in the integration phase. These problems range from two modules that fail to work together, all the way to two separate applications that are acting up. Whether it is two application servers, a client/server environment, or even a peer-to-peer scenario, it is highly important to test these complex scenarios because of the tricky bugs that can be found in them. But it is nearly impossible to do so with JUnit.
  • Although Java is platform-independent, it is wise to check an application on more than one operating system. Your application may work very well on all operating systems, but it may not function exactly the way you expect it to work on some of them. Running the same set of tests over and over again for every OS is time-consuming, and with JUnit you cannot perform distributed tests, so you don't have a way to run the same series of tests simultaneously on several JVMs each running on different OSes.
  • Some units of code can only be tested in a multiple-JVM scenario. For example, testing the opening of a connection (TCP socket or HTTP connection) and the integrity of the information retrieved from it is not possible (or very hard) to test with only one JVM, which is the only option that exists with JUnit.
  • JUnit was designed to have all tests run within a single process within a single class. It is also designed with the constraint that all tests are atomic and independent of any other code outside the test being run and that the lifecycle for these tests are independent for each test. This is all great for testing low level units of code, but not for client/server scenario tests.

Special Shell Script Variables

There are some variables which are set internally by the shell and which are available to the user:

$1 - $9   These variables are the positional parameters.
$0        The name of the command currently being executed.
$#        The number of positional arguments given to this invocation of the shell.
$?        The exit status of the last command executed is given as a decimal string.
When a command completes successfully, it returns the exit status of 0
(zero), otherwise it returns a non-zero exit status.
$$        The process number of this shell - useful for including in filenames, to
make them unique.
$!        The process id of the last command run in the background.
$-        The current options supplied to this invocation of the shell.
$*        A string containing all the arguments to the shell, starting at $1.
$@@       Same as above, except when quoted.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Web Server Vs Application Server

A Web server exclusively handles HTTP requests, whereas an application server serves business logic to application programs through any number of protocols.

The Web server
A Web server handles the HTTP protocol. When the Web server receives an HTTP request, it responds with an HTTP response, such as sending back an HTML page. To process a request, a Web server may respond with a static HTML page or image, send a redirect, or delegate the dynamic response generation to some other program such as CGI scripts, JSPs (JavaServer Pages), servlets, ASPs (Active Server Pages), server-side JavaScripts, or some other server-side technology. Whatever their purpose, such server-side programs generate a response, most often in HTML, for viewing in a Web browser.

When a request comes into the Web server, the Web server simply passes the request to the program best able to handle it. The Web server doesn't provide any functionality beyond simply providing an environment in which the server-side program can execute and pass back the generated responses. The server-side program usually provides for itself such functions as transaction processing, database connectivity, and messaging.

The application server
As for the application server, according to our definition, an application server exposes business logic to client applications through various protocols, possibly including HTTP. While a Web server mainly deals with sending HTML for display in a Web browser, an application server provides access to business logic for use by client application programs. The application program can use this logic just as it would call a method on an object (or a function in the procedural world).

Such application server clients can include GUIs (graphical user interface) running on a PC, a Web server, or even other application servers. The information traveling back and forth between an application server and its client is not restricted to simple display markup. Instead, the information is program logic. Since the logic takes the form of data and method calls and not static HTML, the client can employ the exposed business logic however it wants.

In most cases, the server exposes this business logic through a component API, such as the EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) component model found on J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) application servers. Moreover, the application server manages its own resources. Such gate-keeping duties include security, transaction processing, resource pooling, and messaging. Like a Web server, an application server may also employ various scalability and fault-tolerance techniques.

An example
As an example, consider an online store that provides real-time pricing and availability information. Most likely, the site will provide a form with which you can choose a product. When you submit your query, the site performs a lookup and returns the results embedded within an HTML page. The site may implement this functionality in numerous ways. I'll show you one scenario that doesn't use an application server and another that does. Seeing how these scenarios differ will help you to see the application server's function.

Scenario 1: Web server without an application server
In the first scenario, a Web server alone provides the online store's functionality. The Web server takes your request, then passes it to a server-side program able to handle the request. The server-side program looks up the pricing information from a database or a flat file. Once retrieved, the server-side program uses the information to formulate the HTML response, then the Web server sends it back to your Web browser.

To summarize, a Web server simply processes HTTP requests by responding with HTML pages.

Scenario 2: Web server with an application server
Scenario 2 resembles Scenario 1 in that the Web server still delegates the response generation to a script. However, you can now put the business logic for the pricing lookup onto an application server. With that change, instead of the script knowing how to look up the data and formulate a response, the script can simply call the application server's lookup service. The script can then use the service's result when the script generates its HTML response.

In this scenario, the application server serves the business logic for looking up a product's pricing information. That functionality doesn't say anything about display or how the client must use the information. Instead, the client and application server send data back and forth. When a client calls the application server's lookup service, the service simply looks up the information and returns it to the client.

By separating the pricing logic from the HTML response-generating code, the pricing logic becomes far more reusable between applications. A second client, such as a cash register, could also call the same service as a clerk checks out a customer. In contrast, in Scenario 1 the pricing lookup service is not reusable because the information is embedded within the HTML page. To summarize, in Scenario 2's model, the Web server handles HTTP requests by replying with an HTML page while the application server serves application logic by processing pricing and availability requests.

Recently, XML Web services have blurred the line between application servers and Web servers. By passing an XML payload to a Web server, the Web server can now process the data and respond much as application servers have in the past.

Additionally, most application servers also contain a Web server, meaning you can consider a Web server a subset of an application server. While application servers contain Web server functionality, developers rarely deploy application servers in that capacity. Instead, when needed, they often deploy standalone Web servers in tandem with application servers. Such a separation of functionality aids performance (simple Web requests won't impact application server performance), deployment configuration (dedicated Web servers, clustering, and so on), and allows for best-of-breed product selection.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Testing Links

Testing FAQs1

Differentiate between gmail and yahoomail?
Before current yahoo beta version was launched, gmail was only one to use AJAX.

What will you do if you are trying to install a software and its not getting installed
if something is not working then we do google to find solution for things that
normally would take more time if done through normal procedure.

How do you solve in case you find a Bug in the telephone?
First I will get in touch with the Customer who made the complain and send engineer to test in case the connection is proper and also check in case the instrument is working fine . In case instrument is not working fine it will be replaced else it will be rectified in the telephone exchange from which the line was given to the customer

How do you raise a bug in case in yahoo conference call you are not able to view messages delivered by the other person at your end?
Take the screen shot of the messages screen of the other person where he is sending messages and also the screen shot of my end where I am not able to view those messages and describe the situation to the developer for resolution of the problem

What are the different types of testing that can be done on an application?
Black box covering functional and other types of testing
White Box testing checking for logic and conditional loops

Gray box testing in case HTML and other technologies are involved in application

What is the purpose of using java script in the application?
Web pages have several input boxes we use Java script to write validations and other functions

How will you test a lock?
  • Lock should open only with its key. Test with selected samples of key (local made ,same company, same make but different key, other brands, carved keys, master key )
  • Should open smoothly showing no signs of stiffness or rough/wear tear with intensive/stressing use of Lock. Concept is Locks interior surface detoriate /oxidize with passage of time so locks should have resistant surface.
  • Lock should have standards displayed like number of levers and tested benchmarks/symbols specified on lock.
  • Lock should be robust, subjected to force or massive hit should not get deformed or detoriate from its working condition.
How will you test a browser?
  • URL should retrieve home page of given website.
  • Should support Http and Https protocols
  • Should directly retrieve response if input variable is given in URL (like URL?variable_name=input typed in address bar)
  • Should display html, images.
  • Should prompt the user for ActiveX controls installations if required for correct functioning of web page.
  • Functionality for Stop, Refresh , Favourites, and other options.
  • Should allow for saving of page on edit (File options)
  • Should work equally for both domain names and IPs
How to test outlook mail (specially send-receive functionality)
  • To test based on configuration to receive mails from mail server.
  • System should check for new mails in the mail server for the user’s account
    1. to test user authentication and authorization as per definition.
    2. For example - Test to confirm system should d/l only for the specific user’s a/c etc
  • System should follow filters / rules defined during download the mails to local system.

How to test Calculator application of windows.
  • Launch the application as per configuration and requirement.
  • Test different types of numbers involved in calculation like
  1. +ve/-ve integers, decimals, no of digits etc in details
  2. using boundary value analysis
  3. How the application is capable to handle continues combination of calculations
  • How the application is capable to handle errors, for example “overflow of values”
  • How the application is capable to accept and react different Input methods (keyboard/mouse).

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Testing FAQs

  • What are the components in a web based application?
  • What is javascript?
  • How HTML will take care in Java Script absence?
  • Define a Table in HTML
  • Difference between HTTP and HTTPS.
  • What is SSL
  • How do you check the ip of machine on linux ?
  • How will you print first three letters of all files and sub folders within folder "A" in linux.
  • Tell one problem that may arise handling a team?
  • How do you determine the 2nd largest number in a array of elements?
  • What is a DLL file ?
  • What are windows registry used for?
  • What information does windows registry have?
  • Which folder does the software details stored in registry?
  • How do you check the registry and what information is needed to be checked in a registry?
  • What are Services in Windows? Name a few services which come by default in windows.
  • How do you start/stop a service?
  • Difference Between System Testing and Integration Testing.
  • Different kinds of performance testing like load testing, volume testing.
  • When do you think a Tester can certify a product or an application, so that it can go into production?
  • What is the most critical bug you happen to find in your testing life cycle?
  • 3 critical defects found in your 1st project, why do you think it is critical
  • 3 most interesting tests you came up with in your current project
  • Prepare test cases for a Pen
  • How will you test a projector.
  • How will you test the 'Random' feature of windows media player.
  • How to you test a web page , say or ?
  • Explain Automation architecture.
  • Give a few positive and negative test cases for login scenario
  • How would you test a real atom bomb?