Friday, June 8, 2012

Selenium: Testing auto complete fields

Selenium's "type" command does not trigger auto complete feature to give suggestion. We can use "typeKeys" method to simulate auto complete. Here is the sample code for this:
public static void inputTextInAutocompleteField(String testField, String testValue) 
        try {
                selenium.type(testField, testValue);
                selenium.typeKeys(testField," \b") ;
        } catch (Exception e) {
Here we are first entering value in the text field, then using selenium's 'typeKeys' method to press 'space' character and then 'backspace' (\b) character.

Selenium: How to accept SSL certificates

When you run your selenium tests on any HTTPS url, things go wrong. We get certificate exception and test doesn't proceed. In firefox, the workaround for this problem is to create your own Firefox profile, with the specific certificate added on it manually and then start Selenium server with that firefox profile, but for Internet Explorer there is no such workaround.

However, we can resolve this issue by installing CyberVillains Certificate on Windows. We need to follow below steps to work Selenium with SSL.

1. Start selenium server with "-trustAllSSLCertificates" command
2. Use "*firefoxproxy" instead of "firefox" OR "*iexploreproxy" instead of "iexplore"
3. Install CyberVillains Certificate (selenium bundles a special certification authority (CA) certificate that is used to trust all the other SSL certificates.)

Installing CyberVillains Certificate
1. Extract selenium jar into a folder
2. Goto sslSupport diretory
3. Double click on cybervillainsCA.cer

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bash: read csv file

Here is the script to read csv file in shell script.

[ ! -f $FILENAME ] && { echo "File not found : $FILENAME"; exit 99; }

while read field1 field2 field3 field4
    echo "$field1 : $field2 : $field3 : $field4"
done < $FILENAME


Cannot remove directory: File exists

I was trying to remove a directory and got error: "cannot remove directory 'logs/': File exists"
$chmod -R 777 logs/
$rm -rf logs/
$rm: cannot remove directory 'logs/': File exists
Checked the logs folder content and found out that there was .nfs*** file in this, when I manually deleted this file, it was recreated immediately and the timestamp of the file was not current, it was same of which I just deleted.
$ls -lrta
total 20K
drwxrwxrwx 3 test vishnu 4.0K May  3 03:27 ..
-rwxrwxr-x 1 test vishnu  11K May  3 03:27 .nfs29682
drwxrwxr-x 2 test vishnu 4.0K Jun  4 23:17 .
To solve this issue, we need to find out which process is using this file and delete that process.
$/usr/sbin/fuser -u logs/.*
logs/.nfs29682:     23142m(test)
23142 is the process which is using this directory, we need to kill it.
kill -9 23142
now delete the directory, it will be deleted successfully.
$rm -rf logs/